Welcome to the
WellComE Lab
Well-Being & Community Engagement Lab

Ditchman Research Team
We are a research team at Illinois Tech focused on rehabilitation research to understand and promote community engagement, employment, well-being and health of people with disabilities.
Undergraduate Students
We welcome undergraduate students enrolled in one of the IIT Lewis College of Human Sciences undergraduate programs who are interested in our research, motivated to contribute, and want to gain valuable research experience to apply for our lab. If you are currently an IIT Lewis College student, Contact Us to apply. If you are not currently an IIT Lewis College student, please click here to view the many undergraduate programs offered, or to apply.
Graduate Students
Our lab is made up of students in IIT Lewis College's Clinical Psychology Rehabilitation Track PhD, Rehabilitation Education PhD, and Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling MS programs. If you are interested in our research and are considering entering into graduate school, please feel free to Contact Us to request more information about our lab, or click here for more information about IIT Lewis College's programs, or to apply.
If you are currently in the Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling MS program and are interested in participating in our research, please Contact Us.