Welcome to the
WellComE Lab
Well-Being & Community Engagement Lab

Ditchman Research Team
We are a research team at Illinois Tech focused on rehabilitation research to understand and promote community engagement, employment, well-being and health of people with disabilities.
Selected Presentations
* indicates IIT graduate student;
** indicates IIT undergraduate student
Ditchman, N., Lee, E.-J., *Boyd, A., *Thomas, J., & *Tsen, J. (2021, November). Promoting employment-related social skills for youth with autism. Workshop to be conducted at the 16th Annual Illinois Statewide Transition Planning Conference, Peoria, Illinois.
*Thomas, J., *Duff, C., *Johnson, K., & Ditchman, N. (2020, April). Predictors of self-determination among adults with brain injury. Paper accepted to be presented at 92nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois (Conference cancelled).
*Thomas, J., *Schiave, E., *Duff, C., & Ditchman, N. (2020, February). The impact of environmental barriers on employment in individuals with brain injury. Poster presented at Rehabilitation Psychology 2020 Conference, San Diego, California.
*Thomas, J. (2019, August). Predictors of sexually transmitted infection testing intention among college students. Poster presented at 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
*Haak, C., Ditchman, N., *Thomas, J., *Schiave, E., *Johnson, K., & *Rafajko, S. (2019, August). Sense of community and engagement outcomes of transition-age individuals with disabilities. Poster presented at 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Short, A., Gulfer, G., Tseng, Y., Ditchman, N., Lee, E. (2019, April) Vocational assessment in rehabilitation: Commonly used tests. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
*Thomas, J. (2019, April). Gender differences in knowledge of sexually transmitted infections. Paper presented at 91st Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
*Thomas, J. (2019, March). Sexually transmitted infection testing intention predicted by knowledge, self-efficacy, and label avoidance: A path analysis. Poster presented at the 40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, March 6-9, 2019, Washington, DC.
*Tsen, J., *Thomas, J., Ditchman, N., & Lee, E.-J. (2018, August). Microaggressions experienced by people with multiple sclerosis in the workplace. Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California.
*Gentry, J., *Mattox, A., *Short, A., & Ditchman, N. (2018, April). Sense of community of young adults with intellectual disabilities: Comparing emergent themes in neighborhoods and service settings for people with ID. Paper presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
*Thomas, J., *Rafajko, S., *Johnson, K., & Ditchman, N. (2018, April). Employment and quality of life among adults with brain injury. Paper presented at 90th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Ditchman, N., *Haak, C., Corrigan, P., & *Rafajko, S. (2017, February). Factors contributing to civic engagement among young adults with disabilities: A social cognitive theory perspective. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association: Division 22 Rehabilitation Psychology conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Ditchman, N., *Haak, C., Keegan, J., & Corrigan, P. (2017, April). Post-school civic engagement among young adults with developmental disabilities. Poster presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education conference, Anaheim, CA.
*Johnson, K., Easton, A., *Batchos, E., & Ditchman, N. (2016, May). Mediators of quality of life in survivors with brain injury. Poster presented at the Association of Psychological Sciences Annual Convention, Chicago,Illinois.
Ditchman, N., *Haak, C., *Batchos, E., *Johnson, K., & **Washington, L. (2016, May). Sense of community after brain injury: A path analysis. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Easton, A., **Shah, N., *Batchos, E., *Rafajko, S., & Ditchman, N. (2016, May). Intellectual disability and sexuality: How culture impacts attitudes. Presentation at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
**Kalani, S., & Ditchman, N. (2016, May). Effects of dating relationships on mental health and life satisfaction of college students. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
*Rafajko, S., Ditchman, N., Easton, A., **Shah, N., & **Kalani, S. (2016, May). The relationship between individualist/collectivist orientation and stigma towards intellectual disability. Presentation at the Midwestern
Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Ditchman, N., & Easton, A. (2016, April). An introduction to network analysis: Rehabilitation applications & opportunities. Presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education conference, Newport Beach, California.
*Batchos, E., Easton, A., *Reife, I., *Johnson, K., **Kalani, S., **Martinez, D., **Hafeez, M., & Ditchman, N. (2016, April). Knowing Kink: A review of the literature. Poster presented at the Society for Sex Therapy & Research (SSTAR) 41st Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
*Rafajko, S., Ditchman, N., Easton, A., *Johnson, K., & *Haak, C. (2016, February). The relationship between
individualism-collectivism and stigma toward intellectual disability: A university study. Poster presented at the
Rehabilitation Psychology (APA Division 22) Midyear conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ditchman, N., & Easton, A. (2015, November). Vocational rehabilitation service pattern structure: An application of network analysis to examine employment outcomes of transition-age individuals with Autism. Presentation at CEC’s Division of Career Development and Transition annual conference, Portland, Oregon.
Ditchman, N., Lee, E., & *Easton, A. (2015, April). Social Support and Network Ties as Facilitators of Sense of Community. Presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference, Newport Beach, California.
Ditchman, N., Sung, C., & *Johnson, K. (2015, April). Protective role of self-efficacy and disability acceptance in brain injury. Poster presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference, Newport Beach, California.
Ditchman, N., *Easton, A., *Haak, C., *Batchos, E., & *Rafajko, S. (2014, May). Psychological sense of community: Applications to rehabilitation and clinical psychology. Concurrent Presentation at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
*Rafajko, S., *Easton, A., *Haak, C., *Batchos, E., *Sheehan, L., *Cymerman, S., & Ditchman, N. (2014, May). Predictors of social integration among individuals with brain injury: An application of the ICF framework. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Ditchman, N., Lee, E. J., & *Easton, A. (2014, March). Sense of community: Applications to rehabilitation counseling practice. Presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference, Manhattan Beach, California.
Lee, E. J., Ditchman, N., & *Easton, A. (2014, March). Sense of community index factor structure among individuals with brain injury. Poster presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education Conference, Manhattan Beach, California.
*Easton, A., *Batchos, E., *Haak, C., **Garczek, K., & Ditchman, N. (2013, May) Assessing “sense of community” in clinical practice: A review of existing measures. Poster presented at the Midwest Psychological Association annual conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Ditchman, N., *Easton, A., & Miller, J. (2013, April). Vocational rehabilitation service pattern structure: An application of network analysis. Poster presented at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education national conference, San Francisco, California.
Ditchman, N., *Elg, B., & *Easton, A. (2012, May). “Sense of community” as a transition outcome. Poster presented at the 2012 National Transition Conference, Washington DC.
Ditchman, N., *Sokol, K. & *Easton, A. (2012, April). Stigma and intellectual disability: What can we learn from psychiatric disability research? Presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, San Francisco, California.
Ditchman, N., Lee, E., Chan, Y. & *Elg, B. (2011, October). Best practices for formal mentoring programs: Implications for the rehabilitation workplace. Poster presented at the National Rehabilitation Education conference, Arlington, Virginia.
Ditchman, N. (2011, April). Factors impacting sense of community for individuals with brain injury. Presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education conference, Manhattan Beach, California.